Versione Italiana                                                                                                                         English Version



(Set to music)

Ligeia you went up

 to the Phoebian shores of light

not from the marine candid foams

nor on Mount Ida’s windy slopes

nor into the golden tower

violated by the Supreme God


bound-less wholly unlimited

orphan of Patria

und Vaterland and Country

the daughter of the wind

you wander everywhere

oh eternal sister of Anemos

of the breezes

of the celestial airs

thou dost infuse the breath

into the corporeal frame            

you are the life

you are the soul


in spring time

on the tuned strings

of leaves of grass

with Zephyr’s  airs

joyously you play 

melodious  arias

in tenebrous summer night

you caress harmoniously

the mourning nightingale

or pursue skyward

the swift swallow

that flies and cries

and never lies


when Anemos the Brother

unleasheth his rage and fury

the Sea your beloved Friend

to you nearly Akin

and sure close Related

the Deep the Ligurian Gulf

rising in Towering Waves

that reach up to the Skies

and shatter the Sublime Coast

wasting both the splendid gems

the Western the Eastern Rivieras

around the unique Center

the Superba Queen of your Sea

you pitiful can’t retain

wails whistlings Disdain

hissing uproar rage certain


Ligeia through the infinite sky

 you move the protean clouds

them thickening

 them condensing

them you heAve up

in towering ramparts

from where  aided

by many a specialist

flashes  clashes dazzling darts

rumbling thunders

hurricanes tornadoes

you fire off with art and fancy and list


Ligeia Ligeia Ligeia

You are la sonora

la melodiosa

you are l’armoniosa


  shadow on earth

splendid witness

of the Divine One

that ruleth the World