Alberto Vitacchio

He lives in Turin where he has been born in 1942. As linear and visual poet he has contributed to many magazines and has been present in many anthologies and catalogues since the seventies. Later he has staged together with Carla Bertola performances in various European cities as well as in Canada Mexico Cuba Brazil. In Ireland he was Artist In Residence at the Sirius Arts Centre in 2010. Since 1984 he has been active in the visual field using a technique of colour tearing from paper which he has called "pulling up" working on paper and cloth. Since the same years he has been producing artist's books and taking part in operations of Mail Art. Together with Carla Bertola since 1978 he runs the multimedia international magazine Special Offer so having contacts with many artists from all over the world and frequently travelling to attend international meetings or art events. His Landlassness is now available on Amazon with Archae Editions by Richard Kostelanetz. He frequently collaborates with the Australian magazine Otoliths. Among recent anthologies you may be referred to Poesia Totale (Mantua 1998) A Point of View Visual '90 (Russia 1998) Artist's Books in Italy (Turin 1999) International Artists' Books (Hungary 2000).

Annotazioni sulla Poesia Sonora di Alberto Vitacchio e Carla Bertola 
